Your best earthquake tweets – Metro US

Your best earthquake tweets

Oh no, there’s been an earthquake… what do you mean they’re evacuating the building? Ok, ok, we’ll be right there… we just have to tweet first.

Seriously, when did our first instinct in the face of an emergency shift from “flee” to “tweet?” Luckily, this earthquake hasn’t proven to be too damaging so now we can laugh at all the amusing social networking updates for the rest of the day. Here are some of your first (and best) tweets after the earthquake.

@awkwrdlywrded: Earthquake? huh.. damn. thought the meds had finally kicked in..

@dorothyatmetro: Will Tweet later. Off looting!

@robdelaney: Did anyone I have a crush on’s husband or boyfriend die in the earthquake? DM me.

@maryps: This earthquake never would’ve happened if the president weren’t on vacation.

@Sn00ki: Waahhhhhhh

@sween: Either Toronto just had an earthquake or God set his phone to vibrate.

@pareene: I think Chris Christie just jumped into the race

@ziuqrd: Don’t buy into that East coast vs West coast earthquake stuff, unless you’re ready to rumble.

@YUCKYBOT: Text “You spilled your chai latte” to 90999 to donate $1 to the victims of the U.S. East Coast earthquake.

@Ledgr_Yankees: For future reference, Easterners, when the ground starts shaking. Put down the Twitter and get under a desk. Or find a doorway. Then tweet.

@pattonoswalt: Not to panic anyone in NYC, but a screaming John Cusack just drove by in a limo that was missing a door.

@giromide: Hurricane Irene has a posse.

@bazecraze: Weird. I don’t remember being *this* bad at Jenga.

@BlackCanseco: BREAKING: Republicans issue statement blaming the Virginia earthquake on Obama’s shaky leadership

: Oh no, the most self-important part of the planet was just struck by an earth quake.

: “I just felt an earthquake. Better go check into Foursquare.” -A surprising number of idiots.

: Social media has revolutionized the way our bodies react to earthquakes.

: I’d love to get together with some comedians to brainstorm jokes about the earthquake that we could post on Twitter.com tomorrow

:”I felt that earthquake last week” – Brooklyn hipster

: Everyone in Williamsburg has already moved on to tweeting about sandstorms.

@Hodgman: This guy in the cafe and I agree that we liked the earthquake when it first started. But now it’s like, the wrong people are into it.

And we have blogger John McKinley to thank for our first glimpse of “DC earthquake devastation.”

More on the earthquake:

How New York reacted

How Boston reacted

How Philadelphia reacted

Experts in February predicted the east coast was past due for a major quake