1,071,515 now call this city home – Metro US

1,071,515 now call this city home

It appears the rush to head west to the land of milk and honey has slowed to a trickle, after the city released its 2010 census statistics.

But for those of us who stay, experts think the news means Calgarians are in it for the long haul. The natural increase in the past year was one of the highest since 1992, signifying that Calgarians have high hopes for the city said Ben Brunnen, Director of Policy and Research at the Calgary Chamber of Commerce.

“Calgarians see this as a time to start a family and the place to be in the long term,” said Brunnen.

Also, the high number of migrants out of the city should ultimately leave a higher quality work force, said Chris Massey, Hiring Solutions Officer at About Staffing.

“The ones that are leaving are transient workers, the ones that remain are committed to building a life in Calgary,” said Massey.