A fresher, fitter and more frugal summer – Metro US

A fresher, fitter and more frugal summer

Want to save $1,000 this summer?

Wipe the cobwebs off your roller blades and tune up the rusty bicycle that’s sat in storage all winter. This summer bike, blade, run or walk to work or social events. Rather than paying big bucks for outdoor concerts and events, grab your hiking boots and hit the local trails in Canada’s beautiful National Parks. Not only will you feel better about your health, but, you’ll save on metro passes, vehicle maintenance, extremely expensive gasoline and entertainment.

Set a frugal fitness goal such as being active for at least 30 to 45 minutes each day.

Consider changing your eating habits, too. Lounging on patios, soaking up the sunshine, having a few cold ones and snacking can add up to hundreds of dollars throughout the summer season. Invite your friends over to kick back in your yard or on your balcony. Host a barbecue or meet at an empty field, have a picnic and play softball.

Set a frugal entertainment goal such as socializing with friends outside restaurants and bars once a week.
I’m an avid cook and I long for summer when I can buy a wider variety of locally grown and organic fresh food. Buying food in season and from local growers can translate into better prices and helps support small business within your community.

Grab your favourite recipes and head to the farmer’s market. Buy only what you’ll need to prepare your dishes and avoid ‘stocking up’ which can result in wasted money by throwing out rotten items. Set a frugal fresh food goal such as buying fresh once a week rather than bulk buying.

Take your summer savings and put it into your Tax Free Savings Account, pay off expensive credit card debt or reward yourself if you reach your fitness, entertainment and food goals.