Cheapest way to get Super Bowl 52 tickets, hotels (Craigslist?) – Metro US

Cheapest way to get Super Bowl 52 tickets, hotels (Craigslist?)

Eagles fans celebrate the big win against the Minnesota Vikings. | HughE Dillon
HughE Dillon

People in Philadelphia and in Boston are frantically trying to get to Super Bowl LII in Minneapolis. But aside from coughing up thousands of dollars on a secondary site, and perhaps taking out a second mortgage the situation probably looks grim for most average fans.

Ticket prices on ticketmaster for the cheapest available seats were around $4,400 Wednesday, with a slightly cheaper rate of $4,200 on Stubhub. But there is an option that doesn’t involve a third party — and that is the Craigslist approach.

Lets first preface this by saying that extreme caution must be exercised when using the buying and selling site, which has been known to encourage scammers selling fake tickets. But often times there are actual, legitamite tickets that can be had an amazing prices on Craigslist.

Believe it or not, for Super Bowl LII, tickets are cheaper on Minneapolis’ Craig’s list page than they are on Philly or Boston. Tickets from Minnesota sellers are listed as cheaply as $1,500 from a family that wants to get rid of them at half price. 

Could this be too good to be true? Here are some Craigslist tips:

1. Use Venmo, Paypal, or cash — do not wire money.

2. Always insist on seeing an invoice or recepit.

3. Don’t be afraid to negotiate politely.

4. Make sure the seller sends you their drivers license and a picture of them holding it. This is a safe way to be assured the tickets are not fake — and if they are you can give the information to the police. Any real seller will give this information.

5. Pay attention to the phone number. If the area code is not near the event, it is more likely to be a scam.

These tips could save you money. Craigslist does not charge any fees, allows for negotiation and is a timely way to get tickets. But be smart and safe.