Designing character – Metro US

Designing character

She wasn’t afraid of no ghost in “Ghostbusters,” and she stood up to the indomitable life force that is Delta Burke in character as Suzanne Sugarbaker on “Designing Women.” Now Annie Potts is conquering Broadway.

“After 57 years, I can tell you I was ready,” she says. “Ready and grateful.”

Potts is taking over Hope Davis’ role as a tightly wound Brooklynite mom in “God of Carnage,” now in its second run with new cast members Jimmy Smits, Christine Lahti and Kevin Stott.

A broadway show schedules is no cake walk — just ask wimpster Jeremy Piven — but Potts had a particularly complicated task to master for the show, which we cannot reveal here for the sake of suspense.

But Potts will admit, “I had a lot of anxiety about it, I’ll tell you, because if that element of the play goes wrong, then there’s trouble.”

As for the parts she’s known best for — particularly as secretary Janine Melnitz in “Ghostbusters” — rumored reunions have abounded, though Potts herself wasn’t aware of them.

“What do the Ghostbusters look like 26 years later?” she says with a laugh. “I don’t know what that movie might be. But Danny [Aykroyd] and Harold [Ramis] are awfully clever. I’m sure if that’s true that they’ll come up with something really hilarious. I hope it is true.”

‘God of Carnage’
Bernard Jacobs Theatre
242 W. 45th St.
Tickets start at $66.50