$200 DraftKings Super Bowl promo: Claim best offer for 49ers-Chiefs – Metro US

$200 DraftKings Super Bowl promo: Claim best offer for 49ers-Chiefs

draftkings super bowl promo

The final sprint to what should be an epic between the 49ers and Chiefs is on, and so is the sprint to get the DraftKings Super Bowl promo that gives an instant $200 in bonus bets (claim it here).

In what figures to be a wide-open game, the instant nature of DraftKings’ bonus is highlighted as new users won’t need to pick a winner to get their bonus. With a plethora of odds boosts, bet matches, and this 40-1 return, users across the country who are located in legal markets will be fully equipped to take on 49ers-Chiefs.

Below, we will dive into the new user details, other in-app specials for returning players, and everything else to know about the DraftKings Super Bowl promo.

Lock in the bet $5, get $200 bonus from DraftKings before the 49ers and Chiefs go head-to-head here.

DraftKings Super Bowl promo: 49ers-Chiefs $200 instant bonus

Once you sign up and grab the DraftKings app, you will be met with a bet $5, get $200 instantly message in the top left-hand corner of the screen. Simply ensure a deposit and first wager of at least $5, and you’ll be ready to go.

Here are some of the key terms to know:

The offer is available between now and 11:59 p.m. of Super Bowl Sunday.

The $5 wager will trigger the $200 bonus instantly, no matter what. The bonus is paid as eight $25 bonus bets and will be available for seven days.

Users must be at least 21 years of age and located in AZ, CO, CT, IA, IL, IN, KS, KY (18+), LA, MA, MD, ME, MI, NJ, NY, OH, PA, TN, VA, WY (18+) or WV.

Other notable DraftKings Super Bowl promos

There are two other incentives of which to be aware heading into 49ers-Chiefs.

The first comes in the form of odds boosts. Throughout the weekend, be on the look out for the availability of odds boosts that provide enhanced payouts on Super Bowl straight wagers and SGPs.

The other comes via Super Boosts. Hit the app for featured player prop outcomes with better odds. As the week has progressed, DraftKings has offered up a variety of such boosts and figures to do so heading into the weekend.

How to bet 49ers-Chiefs

So much coverage, and hype, and attention goes into discussion and dissecting the Super Bowl. You know all the storylines, and in fact, because you do, there’s no need to rehash any of them. Ultimately, you can point to whatever trends or roster matchups you want, but there are two things I can’t get over when looking at this matchup.

Now, remember, the DraftKings Super Bowl promo will hit no matter what, so picking a winner doesn’t matter in terms of the bonus, but you might want to put a more sizable wager on the game in which case you obviously want to nail this.

From this perspective, it’s Patrick Mahomes. As he proved last year against a more talented Eagles team, one that got an all-time Super Bowl performance from Jalen Hurts, Mahomes found a way to survive.

Given he’s already 2-0 as an underdog this postseason, there’s just no way I can do anything but back him to find a way once again. And, while the 49ers defense has all the big-name star power, it’s the Chiefs who have had the far more effective defense this season, particularly in the playoffs.