Will there be ‘Peter Rabbit’ sequels? – Metro US

Will there be ‘Peter Rabbit’ sequels?

Peter Rabbit sequels

Hollywood studios are always looking for an opportunity to kick start a new franchise.

Especially ones that appeal to children, as the continued success of the “Despicable Me,” “Toy Story,” “Secret Life Of Pets,” “Ice Age,” “Madagascar,” “Paddington,” and “Ice Age” series has proven that they are constant money spinners.

After viewing “Peter Rabbit,” and being suitably impressed by its gregarious nature, I immediately wondered whether plans were already afoot for some sequels. Especially considering that Beatrix Potter created a whole world of stories and characters that could easily be explored in future films.

So when I talked to “Peter Rabbit’s” co-writer and director Will Gluck over the phone I asked him about plans for the franchise. Gluck didn’t need much encouragement, as he admitted that he’d love to return to this world and create a de-facto Beatrix Potter cinematic universe.

“We would love to keep this world keep going. There are so many different characters in the books, and even some of the secondary characters in this movie.”

Gluck has even already got his eyes on a potential spin-off from “Peter Rabbit.”

“I would love Pigland Bland to have his own movie. There are so many fun things to do in this world that Beatrix Potter created.”

“I believe that Peter Rabbit only appears in two or three of the twenty or something books that Beatrix Potter wrote. It is an incredible world that I would love to keep going with.”

Domhnall Gleeson, who plays Mr. McGregor in “Peter Rabbit, was slightly less enthusiastic about returning for a follow-up. Instead he wants to see how audiences respond to “Peter Rabbit” first before really registering his interest.

“I don’t know. It seems to make kids happy when I saw it. If it made kids really happy and they wanted me back to do more I will leave that decision up to people who know more about that kind of thing.”

“Then it’s about writing a script, seeing how I feel about it, then we can take it from there. But that’s a long way off. We don’t even know how it is going to be received. It’s not like with ‘Star Wars’ where I knew they were going to make a second and third.”

Of course, audiences will have to flock to see “Peter Rabbit” in order for a sequel to be greenlit by Sony. Something that you can do from today, as “Peter Rabbit” was just released into cinemas.