Is web developer the best career choice ever? – Metro US

Is web developer the best career choice ever?

Is web developer the best career choice ever?

Want a career that offers flexible hours, incredible work-life balance and good money? You better start signing up for some computer and engineering courses.

A new survey has found web developing might just be the best job ever. Conducted by market-research firm Provoke Insights and web startup SkilledUp, the survey asked 303 web developers across the U.S. questions about their careers, with a whopping 88 percent saying they felt satisfied in their job.

Part of the reason is pay, with entry-level developers in New York City making as much as $80,000 per year, says Brad Zomick, co-founder of Skilled Up, which offers companies access to alternative and web education courses.

“There’s just an incredible demand for this kind of work,” says Zomick. “Everything we do now is online, whether it’s research or shopping or communicating with family and friends — and there is a certain, finite supply of developers that companies are competing with to hire.”

But there are other perks too, mainly flexibility. While many developers do have a degree in computer engineering, it’s not necessary. Indeed, 56 percent of developers surveyed said they started in another career, such as teaching or engineering. Plus, many developers site work-life balance as a reason why they’re so satisfied with their jobs. “You can pretty much work from anywhere — not just from home, but around the world,” says Zomick. “And the hours are good, too.”

Perhaps most important, however:The work is actually … fun?! “You’re constantly learning new languages, developing new skills, and attacking new problems every day,” says Zomick. “When you finish a project, it actually feels like you’ve solved this giant puzzle. It’s really rewarding.”


Already got your degree in English literature or music performance? You can still become a web programmer. Zomick suggests checking out these places for novices looking to learn how to code.

Codecademy: Free introductory courses in various programming languages.

Team Treehouse: Monthly subscription service for $25-$50 amonth. Includes discussion forum and real project work.

Code School: Monthly subscription service for $29 amonth. Known for its quirky videos and interactive coding console.

Thinkful Learn online but with a mentor to help you through stumbling blocks.$300-$500 amonth.

Bootcamps:Spend $15,000+ in a semester-long bootcamp and go from no skills to entry-level developer earning $80,000. Many have placement programs. These threeare well-regarded and located in NYC:FullStack Academy, theFlatiron SchoolandApp Academy.

Follow Raquel on Twitter @RaquelLaneri.