Kate Winslet all about teaching her kids the importance of suffering – Metro US

Kate Winslet all about teaching her kids the importance of suffering

Kate Winslet all about teaching her kids the importance of suffering
Getty Images

Kate Winslet takes a positive attitude when it comes to helping her children cope with divorce. “I think it’s very important to teach your children to struggle on some level,” she tells Harper’s Bazaar. “I would honestly say that I wouldn’t change a thing. Even all the bad bits. It doesn’t matter how s—ty times have been, they all matter, because those things shape who you are. And if you don’t like who you are, well, then you’re f—ed, really, aren’t you?” Way to bring everybody down, Kate.

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On the plus side, she’s also got a great take on the whole “losing the baby weight” mania following the birth of her latest child, Bear. “There’s a big part of me — now more than ever before — that feels a sense of responsibility for how other women view themselves,” she says. “Take having the baby, for instance. Have I actively been on a diet to lose my baby weight? No, I haven’t. I genuinely bloody haven’t. I so didn’t want to be one of those, ‘Oh wow, she’s back in shape after 12 weeks’ women. When I read things like that, I just think, oh for f—‘s sake, that’s actually impossible.”

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