Alberta’s Liberals say they are willing to team up with a “progressive” party to topple Alberta’s long-reigning Tory government.
And that could include forming a coalition opposition party with the New Democrats and changing the party name, says Liberal Leader David Swann.
During a press conference at the party’s Edmonton headquarters yesterday, Swann says he’s willing to “discuss everything” with other parties to take down Ed Stelmach’s government while staving off the Wildrose Alliance.
“We are the choice for Albertans who want a progressive alternative,” said Swann. “We want to see change in this province.”
Alberta NDP Leader Brian Mason has said that he’s willing to talk with Swann, but he dismissed coalition talk after the Liberals’ convention this spring.
Swann says his party would also consider working with the upstart Alberta Party since the Liberals share “progressive values.”
“We are going to sit at the table with anyone and any party that wants to see change in this province and does not welcome a further right shift in our politics in Alberta,” he said.
Swann says he wants to start some meetings later this summer.