Local kids shop in the name of the law – Metro US

Local kids shop in the name of the law

There was a heavy police presence at Billings Bridge Shopping Centre yesterday morning.

Armed with Christmas wish lists for the third annual CopShop, 30 police officers were each paired up with a local child, who was given a $200 gift card from the mall to spend on toys and Christmas gifts.

After lunching with the officers, the kids dispersed throughout the mall with their personal officer in tow.

Insp. Uday Singh Jaswal, who was paired with Austin Davis, 10, called it an “inspiring and encouraging” experience.

“Most of the kids (whom) you would think would be purchasing items for themselves end up buying mostly for family or for others,” he said.

Shoppers noticed the police in the mall, and after learning about the event, they congratulated the officers on their work.

“We had many people this morning, even our clients that are shopping … have donated money out of the blue because they want to support the event,” said Billings Bridge marketing director Lynne Marie Denis.