Remote adoption is purrfect – Metro US

Remote adoption is purrfect

Calgary may have more locations from which to adopt cats following the success of a Calgary Humane Society pilot project.

For about two months, the Calgary North Veterinary Hospital has been housing stray cats for the Humane Society.

“We’re really, really happy that it’s working out,” said Calgary Humane Society communications manager Desiree Arsenault.

The society is hoping the success of the program leads to even more veterinary clinics hosting cats across the city, said Arsenault.

“We know that the people at the veterinary clinics are very responsible for their animals so we feel that they would be ideal remote adoptions for all of our cats,” she said.

Mark Hilborn of the Calgary North Veterinary Clinic said having more than one location around the city increases the chance of adoption.

“I think it’s a real benefit to people so they don’t have to travel to the actual Humane Society so that’s always a positive to get more cats adopted,” he said.

In total, the North Veterinary Clinic has adopted out 11 cats.