“Orange is the New Black” star Ruby Rose and designer Phoebe Dahl have called off their engagement and ended their relationship, Rose announced via Twitter and Facebook. On the bright side, it at least appears to be completely amicable. Rose and Dahl were engaged in March 2014, but the end of the relationship seems to be down to too much time apart due to work and travel. RELATED: Diane Kruger and Norman Reedus think you can’t see them making out “Phoebe remains very dear to my heart. I will forever treasure our time together,” Rose posted to her Facebook page. “I’m a better person because of the time we shared. They say, ‘It’s better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.’ I’m lucky to have had the chance to love her.” Well, I mean “they” didn’t say it. Alfred Lord Tennyson said it, if we’re being accurate about things. But she’s going through a rough time, so I’ll let it slide. This time. Follow Ned Ehrbar on Twitter: @nedrick
Ruby Rose is back on the market

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