Science News: Tired and creative, skinny and fat, uncertain and anxious – Metro US

Science News: Tired and creative, skinny and fat, uncertain and anxious

Science News: Tired and creative, skinny and fat, uncertain and anxious

We contain multitudes:Our outside doesn’t necessarily match our inside, identical twins don’t always live similar lives, banning fast food didn’t make South L.A. skinnierand more confounding findings from this week’s biggest health and science news.

Are you a skinny fat person? | GetTheGloss

Just because you’re slim on the outside doesn’t mean you aren’t storing dangerous levels of fat on the inside.

When fatigue boosts creativity | The Atlantic

Most of the time, we do better on tasks when we’re most awake. But some problems require a mind that’s just a bit tired—or otherwise impaired.

Do your genes determine your entire life? | The Guardian

Genes only set down what might be described as a field of possibilities. These set limits on what we are to become – so whatever our upbringings, most of us will tend towards introversion or extroversion, jollity or sobriety, facility with words or numbers. And thinking that they determine our lives is distracting us from the issues that actually affect how they’re switched on or off.

How uncertainty fuels anxiety | The Atlantic

Yes, you can be allergic to uncertainty.

Why we pretend all opinions are equal | The Washington Post

It helps bind together social groups; but it also makes us less likely to trust experts —like climate scientists.

Why the fast food ban failed in South L.A. | The Atlantic

In 2008, new fast-food restaurants were banned from expanding into South Los Angeles. The percentage of people who were overweight or obese in the neighborhood before the ban was 63 percent. Four years later, that figure was 75 percent. What happened?