Students ban polystyrene from centre – Metro US

Students ban polystyrene from centre

In their quest for a greener campus, the Students’ Association of Mount Royal College decided to ban Styrofoam products in the student centre.

“We pride ourselves on being leaders when it comes to the environment and we want to do our part, so this was a step towards creating a culture of sustainability,” external VP Matt Koczkur said.

Not only are polystyrene products banned in the student centre, which includes their service centres and events, by Sept. 1, 2009 all food venues in Wyckham House will also have to find alternatives.

“I think they understand we want to be leaders and are excited about finding alternatives. There are many options out there to choose from,” he said, adding plastic plates are a likely choice.

The move to ban polystyrene products was voted on unanimously by the students’ association.