New York City: If you can make it here, you can make it anywhere — and even if you can’t make it, you can always wait tables or work in PR.
But plenty of people are still trying to make it here, at least in the realms of art and finance. Job search engine Indeed.comcompared a sample of 1 million searches of job seekers throughout the five boroughs with job searches throughout the U.S., and found that demand for jobs in the arts and in finance still remains far higher in NYC than in the rest of the nation. NYC skewed highest among searches for film, porter (yes, porter, due to the Big Apple’s steady stream of tourists) and investment banker. Video editor, fashion designer and stockbroker also made the top 10 searches among New Yorkers (searchis the operative word here —that doesn’t mean these jobs are necessarily available). RELATED:Wait list woes: What to do when your dream school defers you Sure, that job seekers are sleuthing for gigs in these NYC-centric industries comes as no surpirse. But what continues to set NYC’s job market apart from other cities is the eclectic mix of art and finance, explains Tara Sinclair, the chief economist for NYC job seekers also skewed higher for many service jobs, such as personal assistant (#11) and home health aide (#23).
“There’s such a concentration of people in the NYC metro area, there’s also a concentration of wealth,” says Sinclair.
Given the high cost of living, NYC employers also tend to offer more job perks than those in other cities. In addition to benefits and vacation days, there’s a hot new perk in increasingly high demand, says Sinclair. “What we see in general from our job seeker survey is [that people are looking for] pay, location and flexibility. The growing piece of all of this is an interest in flexibility, and that’s coming across all demographic groups.” Another trend is the increasingly specific nature of job searches in various cities.
“People are becoming more concentrated in terms of their city/industry pairings, in particular in tech. We see something similar in terms of finance as well.” Top job searches in New York City as compared it to the rest of the U.S. The list is based on the jobs with the greatest search difference. 1. Film
2. Porter
3. Investment Banking Analyst
4. Stock Associate
5. Production Assistant
6. Teacher Assistant
7. Video Editor
8. Fashion Designer
9. Musician
10. Stock Broker
11. Personal Assistant
12. Security Guard
13. Case Manager
14. Sales Associate
15. Graphic Designer
16. Editor
17. Paralegal
18. Airline Attendant
19. Photographer
20. Data Analyst
21. Accounts Payable
22. Writer
23. Home Health Aide
24. Nanny
25. Office Assistant
These are the most searched for jobs in NYC

We’ll let the techies have San Francisco and Seattle, while the artists and bankers duke it out for the soul of Manhattan.