This Twitter thread confirms everything we thought about the Olive GardenTimes Square – Metro US

This Twitter thread confirms everything we thought about the Olive GardenTimes Square

A Twitter thread takes us inside the Times Square Olive Garden from afar.

Most New Yorkers know to avoid Times Square at all costs and, sorry not sorry, have disdain for most of the tourists who find themselves there — especially those who dine at the overpriced chains they can find back home in Anytown, USA.

But a Twitter thread that is going viral takes us inside one of those eateries, thankfully from afar, and answers everything we never knew we wanted or needed to know about life on the inside of a Times Square chain restaurant.

San Francisco-based writer Joe Wadlington on Wednesday recounted an alleged date he had recently with a former manager of the Times Square Olive Garden, and, if true, it was incredible because “clearly, he’d seen some shit.”

Oh, did he ever. The unnamed date even relays what was the most popular dish at the Times Square Olive Garden — and said that the two shifts he worked where they ran out of the restaurant’s addictive breadsticks was worse than the night two women got in a knife fight.  

Behold the beauty: