Thousands of Toronto municipal workers begin strike after contract talks fail – Metro US

Thousands of Toronto municipal workers begin strike after contract talks fail

TORONTO – Thousands of Toronto’s indoor and outdoor workers went on strike early Monday after contract talks with the city failed.

Residents will be scrambling to get care for their children as scores of daycares, recreation centres and summer camps are shuttered.

An expected heatwave could also mingle with the loss of garbage and recycling collection to make the situation more foul.

Union representatives announced early Monday that they are willing to continue talks with the city but said their workers are on strike.

Union officials called a news conference to say they wanted the same deal that other city unions had already negotiated.

Mayor David Miller in a statement said he was disappointed the city was unable to reach an agreement with the two union locals.

“I am asking residents and businesses to be as patient as possible while a resolution to the strike is pursued. The cooperation of everyone will be needed.”

Police, fire and TTC services remain unaffected by the strike.

Issues of contention include job security, seniority and scheduling, along with proposed changes to employees’ sick plan that would scrap their ability to bank days and cash them out at retirement.

The three-year contracts for Toronto Civic Employees Union Local 416 CUPE and the Canadian Union of Public Employees Local 79 expired Dec. 31.