We love SantaCon: Why the holiday bar crawl is a great tradition – Metro US

We love SantaCon: Why the holiday bar crawl is a great tradition

It's almost time for SantaCon, the most wonderful bar crawl of the year! Credit: Getty Images

It’s almost time for SantaCon, when hundreds of Claus-clad boozers crawl their way through the city’s bars. And we couldn’t be more excited.

Since its beginnings as a “participatory art” event, SantaCon has spread to cities around the world. It’s also become less about art and more about making an art of how much liquid holiday cheer we can hold (and preferably not spread).

So what’s there to cheer about hundreds of Santas, naughty elves and romping reindeer roaming the streets of New York City? Everything!

Ditch the real world

Instead of the apocalyptic hellscape that 2017 has been, SantaCon is a chance to turn a few blocks into the North Pole for one special Saturday (this year it’s Dec. 9). It’s a world of nothing but happy Santas, naughty elves and romping reindeer having a party across welcoming bars — Santa never drops in unannounced.

Supporting local businesses

The gifts we’re maxing out our credit cards to buy this time of year may come from workshops worldwide, but SantaCon supports local businesses. There’s nothing in it for our usual capitalist overlords, either: no corporate-sponsored nonsense, and the money you spend is invested directly in your own happiness.

Meeting tons of new people

When’s the last time you met someone who wasn’t a friend or a friend or co-worker? SantaCon is a whole day of having fun with new people without the usual social barriers and awkward small talk, because everyone is just as jolly to be there as you — especially freelancers who don’t have at least one guaranteed holiday party in an office to look forward to.

Spreading holiday cheer to people in need

SantaCon isn’t just about making your season bright. The event has been a charitable nonprofit event since 2012, and has donated more than $300,000 to local charities since it started. And in the spirit of Father Christmas, donating just $10 gets you not just warm fuzzies inside but priority entrance to the SantaCon afterparty (which is also an incentive to pace your cheer).

Tradition is all we’ll have left of Christmas soon

Just as fall didn’t really happen so much as sulk around like a teenager and occasionally douse us in rain between heatwaves, we can’t expect more of winter. The only sign we have that Christmas is nearly upon us is pop-up holiday bars and the annual march of the Santas through the streets. Once we’ve global warmed our way out of winter completely, the only reminder of seasonal cheer will be our traditions — and a group of Santas on a bar crawl beats the jingle bells out of being visited by skeletal horses.