Public Policy Polling doesn’t onlygauge howpresidential candidates are faring. Recently, the North Carolina outfit also surveyed Americans on a variety of holiday issues.
For instance, whether or not you like fruitcake depends on your party affiliation – or your generation.
“There’s a massive party and generational divide when it comes to the issue of fruitcake,” pollsters explained. “Overall, 38 percent of Americans say they think fruitcake is good to 52 percent who say that think it is not. Republicans (50/46) and seniors (58/33) think it’s good while Democrats (39/53) and young voters (27/64) say no thanks.” RELATED: Most Americans say ‘Die Hard’ is not a Christmas movie: Poll Though, the partisan bickering seems to stop there – at least during the holidays. MostAmericans are united overall on several Christmastime issues, including: Interestingly, Republicans (68/19)felt stronger about opening presents on Christmas morning than did Democrats (57/28). The surveyof 1,267 registered voters was conducted between Dec. 16-17 using landlines and Internet polls.
Whether or not you like fruitcake depends on your political party

Shaun Fisher/Flickr