White House staffer responsible for finding positive Trump news resigns – Metro US

White House staffer responsible for finding positive Trump news resigns

White House staffer

President Donald Trump’s administration is hemorrhaging people. This week, the White House staffer in charge of circulating positive news about the president resigned.

Which, c’mon, there has been so much good coming out of POTUS’ golf resorts, er, the White House, these last few weeks.

Andy Hemming, the White House communications team’s director of rapid response, resigned on Monday, Politico reported on Thursday.

The 31-year-old former Republican National Committee staffer was charged with finding positive news stories from the mainstream media and sharing with reporters, broadcasters and pundits in the hopes that the networks Trump calls “fake news” will write more positive news about him.

Sounds like a cake job. Why would anyone ever leave?

During his campaign-style rally in Arizona on Tuesday, Trump trash talked the press and his followers started chanting “CNN sucks.”

That was a week after Trump called the white supremacists in Charlottesville “very fine people.”

And then there was that time Trump retweeted an image depicting a train running over a reporter a few days after a young woman was killed — run over by a car — while protesting the hate rally in Charlottesville.

All really positive stuff.

Hemming has not publicly commented on his resignation, but a White House source told CNN that the decision was mutual.

Trump is just like the rest of us; he loves to hear nice things about himself. Vice News reported earlier this month that No. 45 receives a folder full of positive news about himself — twice every day. Previous presidents reportedly did not receive such folders.

This has been the Summer of Exits for many a White House staffer. In July, press secretary Sean Spicer resigned when communications director Anthony Scaramucci was hired. Reince Priebus bowed out of his position of White House chief of staff and shortly after, Scaramucci was canned. Trump administration advisors started to resign after the president’s response to the violence in Charlottesville. After about 10 CEO resignations, Trump announced the dissolution of two of his councils, one of which had already decided to dismantle itself. Recently, White House chief strategist Steve Bannon left his White House gig to return to the alt-right news site Breitbart, all but fulfilling his evil villain persona by vowing to take Ivanka Trump down.