Flyers promoting white supremacy were found posted across the University of Massachusetts Boston campus recently, school officials said.
In an email sent to the UMass community on Wednesday, Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Winston Langley said the flyers were “targeting immigrants and minority persons — be they students, faculty, staff or visitors — and causing anxiety and anger.” Langley also noted that the group responsible, Identity Evropa, has reportedly put up similar flyers at other universities in Massachusetts as well as several other states, including California, Georgia and Texas. Identity Evropadescribesitself as a “generation of awakened Europeans who have discovered that we are part of the great peoples, history and civilization that flowed from the European continent,” accordingto its website. The group has demanded an “end to immigration” and has distributed posters with the phrases “protect your heritage” and “let’s become great again.” RELATED COVERAGE: Nazi poster allegedly found on Boston University campus The group’s Twitter account on Feb. 14 tweeted a series of images of these posters around the UMass campus. The tweet said, “Are you a student @UMassBoston and sick of the #antiwhite agenda? Join Us.” “The University of Massachusetts Boston, consistent with its identity, is an open forum for ideas, theories, beliefs, orientations, experiences, and commitments,” Langley wrote in his campuswide email. “The university, however, rejects modes of exchange that circumvent its standards of openness and that surreptitiously seek to intimidate its students, faculty, staff, or visitors,” he continued. “In particular, the university rejects all forms of racism, ethnocentrism, and invidious discrimination.” If anyone on campus sees or experiences harassment, the university encourages them to contact campus police; students are also encouraged to contactStudent Affairs.
White supremacy flyers targeting immigrants, minorities posted on UMass Boston campus

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