3 beauty products you can make with honey – Metro US

3 beauty products you can make with honey

Natural Beauty Products

Who says expensive (and sometimes chemical-ridden) beauty products are the only way to go? If you’ve got some local honey in your kitchen pantry, you’ve actually got a DIY beauty spa right at your fingertips.

Try these three simple, super-easy natural beauty products you can whip together with honey.
When it comes to skin care, honey is an incredible ingredient. It’s also what’s known as a humectant, which is a fancy way of saying that it attracts and retains moisture. Washing your face with honey is an age-old practice that leaves skin feeling divinely smooth.
“Something I had done since the beginning of my transition into natural beauty was wash my face with pure raw honey, which works like a dream,” says natural beauty writer Kate Bello. “Honey is gentle and antibacterial, making it great for acne, and leaves your skin soft.”
Bello’s favorite brand is Honey Pacifica in mango or wildflower, which is local to Southern California. For optimal results, she recommends finding a local brand wherever you live.
Cleansing your face with honey actually isn’t the gooey, sticky mess you might expect. (It dissolves once it touches water.) Click here for Bello’s detailed instructions on getting the most out of honey face wash.
If your skin requires a little more action, an exfoliating scrub might just do the trick. The ladies over at No More Dirty Looks (an awesome natural beauty site) can’t get enough of honey cleansers in general. They take it a step further with a homemade facial scrub that couldn’t be easier to make.
“Another thing we like to do with honey is mix about a tablespoon with a pinch of baking soda and a few drops of water,” says Siobhan O’Connor, the site’s co-founder. “This is great as a DIY scrub.”
She only has one warning: go easy on the baking soda so that you don’t scrape your face.
Bello also has a few tricks of her own when it comes to natural exfoliates. If you don’t have baking soda on hand, she makes simple scrubs using fine-grained salt or sugar.
Honey doesn’t just work wonders on skin – it also works as an amazing treatment for dry hair. The Everyday Roots blog is well-versed on the subject, suggesting a variety of homemade, honey-based hair products. It turns out that in addition to being a natural moisturizer, honey also nourishes hair follicles and brings life back to the scalp and roots.
For particularly dry, overworked hair, check out the honey and olive oil hair treatment from Everyday Roots. All you need is half a cup of honey and a quarter cup of olive oil to reinvigorate damaged hair.
Honey mixed with warm coconut oil can revive dull hair as well. Bello is also a big fan of unfiltered coconut oil, which she uses as both a makeup remover and face wash.