The book: “Picture Your Prosperity” by Ellen Rogin & Lisa Kueng
Read if: You want to save, you just like spending money too much.
The lowdown: Financial gurus Ellen Rogin and Lisa Kueng think that many people have trouble saving money because they aren’t truly visualizing what they are saving for. Instead of just saving because of the abstract thought that it’s a “good idea,” they help you figure out what you really want, whether it’s an exotic vacation, house in the suburbs and a college fund for your kids, opening your own business or something else entirely. Then, they outline what you need to do to make that dream a reality. The book: “Rich Bitch” by Nicole Lapin
Read if: You’re sick of hearing that you need to give up $4 lattes to get rich.
The lowdown: If you’re in your 20s and sick of living paycheck to paycheck, and occasionally calling up mom and dad for money, this book is for you. Financial expert Nicole Lapin lays out a 12-step program for getting your life together, including how to create a realistic spending plan, manage your debt and understanding saving and investing. The book: “The Thin Green Line” by Paul Sullivan
Read if: All you want is to stop worrying about money.
The lowdown: In this book, New York Times columnist Paul Sullivan explains the concept of the thin green line, a simple metric people can use to measure their financial stability. He explains how the amount of money you earn is not as important as the side of the line your financial life falls on. Above the line are the wealthy, whose financial goals are being met and they aren’t struggling. Below the line are people living beyond their means. He shows how to get on the right side of the line by outlining three ways to save, how to enjoy life without going broke, giving to charity and how to make savvy financial decisions. The book: “The Dollar Code” by Jason R. Hastie
Read if: You have no idea where your money is going.
The lowdown: This book all comes down to one concept: finding the average from your monthly income and total bills and using that as the guide to how much money you can spend each day. It all comes down to that one number. So if you don’t want anything complicated and tracking your spending has never worked for you, this is your best bet.