HBO keeps giving us tasty morsels leading up to the “Game of Thrones” Season 7 premiere on July 16. This time, we’ve got a brand new trailer. Well, more like a teaser trailer you have to comb through with great attention to detail, but ultimately tells you little to nothing as far as new information. Fun!
Looks like all the warring between houses is going to crumble in the wake of the Great War against the White Walkers. I’m assuming the houses will literally crumble, based on this, just like the stone direwolf (what up, House Stark!) and the stone dragons (I see you, House Targaryen!) literally crumble.
Here’s what else we know so far:
The show is premiering on July 16 at 9 p.m.
Showrunners David Benioff and D.B. Weiss revealed the later start date was because they started filiming Season 7 later than usual. “At the end of the season, ‘Winter is here’ and that means the sunny weather doesn’t really serve our purposes anymore.”
There will be seven episodes instead of the customary 10, which has me living in bummer city.
All your faves are coming back — plus some new characters, too.
Based on the photos HBO released, we know that Jon Snow is still sulking around with his beautiful baby face; and Littlefinger is still creeping around trying to take advantage of anybody who will let him.
Some new cast members are joining too: Jim Broadbent will reportedly play a significant role as a Maester, probably Marwyn the Mage. Tom Hopper is replacing Freddie Stroma in the role of Dickon Tarley. And Ed Sheeran is going to be there for some reason.
Plus, according to Cosmopolitan, Iain Glen — that’s lonely, forever friend-zoned Ser Jorah to you — was spotted on a flight to Northern Ireland, so he might show up to stan for Khaleesi again. And Joseph Mawle, aka hot Benjen Stark aka Coldhands, has been seen in Belfast, so he’ll likely make a return too.
The race for the Iron Throne is still a tight one.
Cersei has claimed her spot on the Iron Throne, but maybe not for long, with Daenerys and Jon Snow still in the running. And Jon Snow is still trying to convince everyone that the real war is with the White Walkers. I’m betting nobody is taking him seriously, still.