Kate Hudson doesn’t know what the word ‘lazy’ means – Metro US

Kate Hudson doesn’t know what the word ‘lazy’ means

Kate Hudson Making a Kate Hudson Face

There’s Kate Hudson, on the cover of Cosmopolitan, framed by teases hidden moan zones and hot solo-sex tricks. As always she’s fun! Flirty! Fit AF! But people are mad at her for one thing she said in a survey because, I don’t know, I guess collectively as a country it’s easier to be upset about a Kate Hudson quote taken out of context than white supremacy.

Anywho, Hudson answered a bunch of random questions in her cute, relatable way. But when asked to share what the laziest thing she has ever done, Hudson wrote, “Have a C-Section!”

Naturally, the internet was ablaze with women who felt personally attacked by Hudson’s response. ““Hey #KateHudson,” one wrote. “Please tell me which part of major abdominal surgery is ‘Lazy?’ The procedure?”

Another wrote, “Yeah, #KateHudson, having my daughter by c-section instead of letting her die was really “lazy” of me. Lost so much respect for you there.”

Thing is, she’s saying that’s the laziest thing she’s ever done. Maybe she’s just like, extremely not lazy! I mean, I’m no Kate Hudson head, but you know, she’s just talking about her experience and being light and fluffy like she always is. It’s like, kind of her thing.

Also sorry to bum you out, but she’s probably not going to bother responding to this faux controversy, so.