1. These chic handcrafted frames have 24K gold-plated hardware. KreweDu OpticLouisa | Interstellar 24K,$220, Kreweduoptic.com
2.Only cloth for Mom. Auntie Oti color napkin set,$52, Auntieoti.com
3.The coolest mom jeans around. Citizens of Humanity Liya High Rise in Fade Out, $268,CitizensofHumanity.com
4.Mom-aste.Athleta High Rise Indigo Shores Chaturanga Capri,$74, Athleta.com
5.The cutest vehicle for cozy comfort food.Le Creuset mini round cocotte, $290, Lecreuset.com
6.Forget flowers — a gorgeous plant in this chic black and white wooded planter is visual eye candy all year round. Target planters,$24.99- $79.99, Target.com
7.Because her sangria is killer.Marimekko Tiara pitcher,$78, Marimekko.com
8.Comfy and super-stylin’. Mansur Gavriel suede mules,$395, Net-a-porter.com
9.Trilogy’s gorgeous body wash with aromatherapeutic scents will transform an ordinary shower into a spa experience. Trilogy Body Wash,$28, Trilogyproducts.com
10.A healthful — yet delicious — gift box for conscious moms. Think: nut butter, toasted granola and baked veggie chips. Mouth Mother Nature gift box,$68, Mouth.com
11.These handmade, all-natural jam tarts (strawberry, sweet blueberry, tart and tangy raspberry and salted caramel apple) will take both of you back to the good ol’ days. Mepgies Tarts,$13.99 for 4, magpiesnyc.com 12. Clarins’ new Joli Rouge Brillant is all about shine and nourishment. $28, Clarins.com
13.Julianne Moore swears by Joanna Vargas’ skin treatments to keep her looking radiant. These new bamboo sheet masks can strengthen collagen and fight wrinkles at home. Joanna Vargas Forever Glow Anti-Aging Face Mask,$75 for 5 sheets, JoannaVargas.com 14.Atelier Cologne’s new fresh citrus scent Bergamote Soleil will transport her to the seaside in Italy. $70-$195, Ateliercologne.com