Good morning
Well perhaps not if you’re in Greece, which defaults on a $1.6bn loan today, EL James who was burnt in a Twitter Q&A or Australian smoker convict…
Greece loses its financial life-line from the European Central Banktoday, the day it has until 6pm Washington time to pay off a debt of $1.6bn to the IMF. On Sunday the country will vote whether or not to agree to cost-cuttingterms set out by international creditors, and PM Alexis Tsiprashas said he’ll quit if the public doesn’t back his ‘No’ to austeritystance, says The BBC. ASTEROID DAY WARNING
It’s Asteroid Day, soQueen guitarist and doctor of astrophysics Brian May, along with a group ofastronauts and scientists are marking the occasion by warning thatwe need to speed up the search forkiller meteorsheading towards earth with potentially catastrophic consequences. “We’ve seen some great films, like Bruce Willis saving the day, but it is a very serious threat,” Dr May told The Guardian. TIME STANDS STILL
Scientists may not be ready to hold off deadly asteroids yet but tonight they’re adding an extra second to Time.The ‘leap second’ to be added tonightwill adjust our clocksto account for the slowing down of the earth’s rotation, reports The Mail. AUSTRALIA JAIL SMOKING RIOT
Amaximum security jailoutside Melbourne went into partial lockdown after a riot involving300 prisoners. Authorities wouldn’t confirm the cause but the protest comes ahead of theintroduction of a state-wide smoking ban in prisons, says Australia’sABC. SHADE THROWN INE.L.JAMES INTERVIEW
The Shades of Grey author got a roastingwhen interviewhashtag #AskELJameswas usedto ask the writer awkward questions about romanticizingstalking and even her questionable writing skills.”#AskELJames what’s it like telling millions of women it’s okay to be in an abusive relationship as long as he’s rich,” The Mirror quoted one user as saying.
While you were sleeping: Greece defaults, Asteroid Day catastrophe warning, 50 shades Q&A disaster

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