Wicked Pissah: Boston accent ranked second sexiest in the nation – Metro US

Wicked Pissah: Boston accent ranked second sexiest in the nation

Wicked Pissah: Boston accent ranked second sexiest in the nation
Nic Czarnecki/Metro Boston

Guy, this isn’t a wicked big shock to most of us, but the rest of the country has spoken: The Boston accent is ranked the second sexiest accent in the country. 

We drink water from the bubblah, beer from the packie and take a sworn oath of death before coffee from anywhere else besides Dunks. We walked the Freedom Trail every year for school field trips, live in three-deckers, and throw garbage in the barrel. Most importantly, we know that no one calls it “Beantown,” and there is no parking in Harvard Yard because it’s a wicked crowded brick fortress. 

The travel company Big 7 polled its 1.5 million social media followers, and the Boston accent was ranked the second sexiest in the country.

Guess who came in third? That’s right. New York. Eat it, de Niro. 

Honorable mentions from other New England accents that made the list included Maine (4th), Connecticut (22nd) and Providence (38th). 

Big 7 spells it out like this: “Want to talk Rhode Island? The Boston-meets-Brooklyn accent is hard to mimic, but clearly distinct. Listen to any episode of Jersey Shore with Pauly D and you’ll understand instantly what it sounds like.” 

“The Maine accent is surprisingly popular, ayuh! If you’re a real ‘Mainah,’ you’ll drop your ‘r’s, go to “yoger” class instead of yoga and add in ‘wicked’ to make every adjective extra powerful.” 

“In between New York City and Boston, the Connecticut accent has been influenced by both yet is much, much subtler. There’s a lot of ‘o’s that sound like ‘u’s, and the ‘t’ is often dropped completely in words.” 

One might say that these accents are to the Boston accent as the Australian accent is to King’s English. 

Most of us have never heard a Connecticut accent because we don’t interact with anyone in The Constitution State unless it’s at a rest stop on I-95. 

So who did we come up short against? Texas, y’all. “Who can resist a slow, Texan drawl? Not us, and not our community, clearly. The typical Texan accent is a ‘Southern accent with a twist’, with strong ‘r’s and plenty of ‘Howdy’s’. America’s sexiest accent? We’d have to agree,” says Big 7. 

Like the old saying goes, “you can always tell a Texan, but you can’t tell them much.” Congrats. Pin the medal right next to the shiny sherrif badge, partner. 

Who came in dead last? “People from ‘Lawnguyland’ might be a bit upset with being voted as having America’s least sexiest accent. But look, can they really disagree?” Big shock there. 

Grab a cuppa coffee and check out the rest of this list at bigseventravel.com.