Watched the new episode on Netflix without your SO? Here’s how to cover your tracks – Metro US

Watched the new episode on Netflix without your SO? Here’s how to cover your tracks

clear netflix history orange is the new black

So, you broke the cardinal rule of trust in your relationship. No, we’re not talking about cheating. That’s an issue for another time. We’re talking about watching ahead on you and your SO’s favorite Netflix show — without them. How could you? Worse (for you), you have no idea how to clear Netflix history.

Maybe you just know that you might slip up and stream one or two new episodes when the next season of Stranger Things is released. Perhaps you and your other half like The Frankenstein Chronicles and you really needed to know what happens next, but now you’re three episodes further. While the show and number of episodes might be up for debate, there’s one thing that isn’t: if your SO finds out, you’re in big trouble.

Well, here’s how you clear Netflix history

Thank the saints of streaming services because there’s a Netflix hack that will get you out of this predicament. All you have to do is navigate to Netflix.com/WiViewingActivity to see a full list of your activity on all of your devices. From this page, you can clear Netflix history. See below for an example:


clear netflix history


To make sure your SO never finds out that you watched the latest Orange Is the New Black episode without them, simply click the ‘X’ next to the episode — or episodes. They’ll be removed from your activity within 24 hours. Let out that breath you’ve been holding since you Googled clear Netflix history because you’re in the clear.

This trick to clear Netflix history is also helpful if the streaming service has been suggesting videos and TV shows that don’t quite fit your preference. Maybe you got bored and watched a couple shows that you wouldn’t have otherwise. Don’t let them throw off Netflix’s algorithm and, as a result, the content it surfaces for you. Simply delete them from your history and get back to those solid suggestions you used to get in your feed.

Now as for managing to look honestly surprised for the plot twists when you watch those new episodes with your SO — you’re on your own for that one.