Will Michelle Obama run for president? The internet hopes so – Metro US

Will Michelle Obama run for president? The internet hopes so

Will Michelle Obama run for president? The internet hopes so

We know Michelle Obama said she wasn’t going into politics, but the internet wants another Obama in The White House in 2020.

While you were working, Twitter welcomed the next FLOTUS.

Students around the nation are protesting the election results — or taking a skip day —by walking out of school.

Maybe those kids went home to cheer themselves up with these post-election-blues movie choices.

“For a second time in 16 years, a Democratic candidate has won the popular vote, but lost the presidency.” What do you think of the Electoral College?

This is what Trump hopes to accomplish in his first 100 days.

So, your state says, “Go ahead, smoke some weed,” but what will the next president say?

Then again, you can zone out and play some PlayStation 4.

The markets might have tanked as election results trickled in last night and we got a sardonic “good luck” from Venezuela this morning, but some are excited about a Trump presidency, like Russia, Israel and “Big Oil.”

President Obama said he hopes president-elect Trump won’t seek “political revenge” on former Sec. of State Hillary Clinton when he takes office.

Wait, so Bill Cosby’s homeowner’s insurance is going to defend him in the civil cases brought by several women alleging sexual abuse?

Celebs havesomething to say about the election results.

What do the Red Sox and Mets have up their uniformed sleeves?

Will Tony Romo suit up for the Cowboys?

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