Is Walmart open on Labor Day? – Metro US

Is Walmart open on Labor Day?

is walmart open on labor day

Think of Labor Day as the high school graduation of the summer. One amazing thing might be over, but you’ve got another one coming up down the road. And, unlike college graduation, you’ll only wait a year for next summer to come around. Just like graduation, the wrap up to the warmer months deserves a fantastic send-off. But where are you going to stock up for a end-of-summer soiree. Your go-to is Walmart, but is Walmart open on Labor Day? Here’s what you need to know before you set out with your party supplies shopping list in hand.

Sure, you can shop ahead of time. We all know that’s what we should do, especially if we hope to get anywhere near Martha Stewart-level hosting at any point in our lives. But somehow it always turns into a frantic rush because, let’s face it, life gets in the way. So if you’re somewhat superhuman and can remember to stock up on absolutely everything you need for your backyard bash before the big day, good on you. For everyone else, we dug into the Walmart holiday hours to make sure you had a backup for everything from burger buns to red Solo cups.

is walmart open on labor day storefront

You can also just place an order a week or more before your backyard get-together through Walmart.com. They’re open 24/7, and you can order everything from paper plates to Oreo cookies all at the same time. Just double check your cart against your shopping list to make sure you didn’t miss anything.

So, is the superstore your superhero for your Labor Day party? Here’s what we found out.

Is Walmart open on Labor Day?

So, is Walmart open on Labor Day for your last-minute barbecue needs? Although the superstore does limit its hours for three major holidays, Labor Day isn’t one of them. That means that Walmart will not only be open on the day of your get-together in case you run out of anything but also be available even if you need s’mores fixings at midnight. Yes, 24-hour locations of Walmart will remain open all day and night, even on this holiday.

But make sure that whether you’re there early, list in hand, or there the day-of because your guests brought bigger appetites than you expected, that you steer through the cookie aisle. Walmart is a frequent stocker of the new Oreo flavors, and there are some good ones out this summer that you and your guests won’t want to miss.