20 words that have changed our vocabulary in the last two decades – Metro US

20 words that have changed our vocabulary in the last two decades

20 words that have changed our vocabulary in the last two decades
Screenshot Dictiionary.com

Do you remember when friend was just a noun and viral was a bad thing?

If yes, then you may also remember a time before Facebook and Twitterand other social media networks, whichhave changed our vocabulary in recent years.

Dictionary.com, which is celebrating its 20th anniversary, has witnessed that evolution first-hand.

RELATED:See the list of new words added to the Oxford Dictionary

Ahead of Dictionary Day on Friday and to honor its second decade, the online wordsmith has gathered a list of 20 words whose definitions have expanded in popular use over the past 20 years.

“This list shows just how much the rise of technology has shaped our word use over time, and is a fun way to revisit the evolution of the English language since the dawn of the Internet era,” said Liz McMillan, chief executive officer of Dictionary.com.

So test your age and Internet savvy byseeinghow many of the words you know below.


to move an online post or thread to the top of the reverse chronological list by adding a new comment or post to the thread.


any of several parts of the Internet that allow online processing and storage of documents and data as well as electronic access to software and other resources.


the muscles of the torso, which provide support for the spine and pelvis.


to make an embarrassing or humorous mistake, be in a humiliating situation, etc., and be subject to ridicule.


a unique set of characteristics, actions, etc., that leave a trace and serve as a means of identification.


to add a person to one’s list of contacts on a social-networking website.


information on an electronic screen that can be understood quickly or at a glance.


not being extreme or not varying drastically between extremes, especially between hot and cold.


to indicate one’s enjoyment of, agreement with, or interest in website content, especially in social media.


a cultural item in the form of an image, video, phrase, etc., that is spread via the Internet and often altered in a creative or humorous way.


to make contact with someone by sending a brief electronic message, as a text message.


the personal details, images, user statistics, social-media timeline, etc., that an individual creates and associates with a username or online account.


an environment in which software developers or editors can create and test new content, separate from other content in the project.


to move the fingers across a touchscreen.


conclusions, impressions, or action points resulting from a meeting, discussion, roundtable, or the like.


to send a text message.


a collection of online posts or updates associated with a specific social-media account, in reverse chronological order.


a very short message posted on the Twitter website.


to refrain from using digital or electronic devices for a period of time.


becoming very popular by circulating quickly from person to person, especially through the Internet.