In honor of Shark Week, is Jaws on Netflix? – Metro US

In honor of Shark Week, is Jaws on Netflix?

is jaws on netflix

Just like with music, some movies are all about the timing. We’ll never let go of the belief that, despite what Bruce Willis says, Die Hard is indeed a Christmas movie. But this month, it’s all about Jaws thanks to Shark Week 2018. But where can you watch this summer classic? Is Jaws on Netflix?

We hope you already enjoyed that beach vacation because this month’s all about the king of the ocean. There’s plenty to keep your attention (and your toes out of the water) in the Shark Week 2018 schedule — you can even try to get over your fear of sharks along with Shaq — but Jaws needs to be thrown in for good measure. And just like we pulled together a guide for you for how to watch Shark Week 2018 without cable, we’re hunting down where you stream this summer standard film.

Is Jaws on Netflix?

So, is Jaws on Netflix? After all, it might even be the source of your fascination with the sea. Unfortunately, would-be great white watchers need to find another source to stream this film. No, Netflix does not currently have Jaws in their content library.

If you’re OK going with another shark-related movie, the streaming service does currently have Sharknado, Sharknado 2, Sharknado 3 (yes, really), Deep Blue Sea and 47 Meters Down. Want to learn more about sharks instead of getting a good scare? You can check out the BBC series Shark on the streaming service, which has two 50-minute episodes about everything from the courtship rituals of sharks to their unique parenting methods.

is jaws on netflix

Is Jaws on Hulu?

After checking off is Jaws on Netflix, you’re probably going to move on to their competitor. So, is Jaws on Hulu? Sorry, you’ll come up empty again here. Like the other big streaming service, though, Hulu does have plenty of shark-related content that you can stream if you can’t get enough. That includes several episodes of Mythbusters that tackles the movie Jaws directly.

Looking to overcome your fear of the aquatic predators? Check out a Nat Geo special called SharkFest The Whale That Ate Jaws: New Evidence that examines killer whales and their taste for shark meat. Not kidding at all.

Where to watch Jaws online

Good thing there’s Amazon Prime Video. Prime members can just hit play on Jaws through the streaming service.  If you can’t get enough of the aquatic action, you’ll also be able to stream Jaws 2, Jaws 3 and Jaws: The Revenge with your Prime membership before moving on to other shark-related content, from 5-Headed Shark Attack to Planet of the Sharks. Really want to freak yourself out? Watch Sand Sharks and never feel safe at the beach again.